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The Action taken by Countries other than India against Deepfakes

The Action taken by Countries other than India against Deepfakes

Posted by TechnoDG on 7 month(s) ago .

Deepfakes are digital media that are edited and manipulated using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to inflict harm on individuals and institutions. AI- generated synthetic media or deepfakes have clear benefits in certain areas, such as accessibility, education, film production, and criminal forensics. However, it can be exploited to damage the reputation, manipulated evidence and many more other damage it can create.

Several other countries across the world have taken steps to combat deepfakes.

For instance, China has introduced a new policy that requires service providers and users to ensure that any adulterated content using technology is explicitly labelled and can be traced back to its source.

The European Union has updated its Code of Practice, which requires tech companies including Google, Meta, and Twitter to take measures in countering deepfakes on their platforms. If found non-compliant, these companies can face fines of as much as 6% of their annual global turnover.

The United States has introduced the bipartisan Deepfakes Task Force Act to assist the Department of Homeland security (DHS) to counter deepfake technology by conducting an annual study of deepfakes.

In India, there are no legal rules against using deepfake technology. However specific, laws can be addressed for misusing the tech, which includes Copyright Violation, Defamation and cybercrimes. 

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