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Google knows you better than you know yourself

Google knows you better than you know yourself

Posted by TechnoDG on 10 month(s) ago .

Google know us by our own acceptance, we have somehow give all kind of access to google, whether it is about location, search history. When you search anything on Google, they keep your search history forever. That means they know every search you’ve ever done on Google.

Google now is the flagship software embedded in the android smartphone operating system it’s also available on IOS, It’s aim is to seamlessly turn your device into a personal assistant that provides exactly the right information at right time. This search engine giant even track our searches based on time frame as like if we search a genre of music on YouTube for few days at around 10pm, next onwards it suggest same kind of music at that time frame.

It sometimes behave like a human too, like if you set timer to wake up early it will automatically suggest you to set timer on the next day too, it will keep your memory intact. Google will know what you like in food, or which makeup products you would order, by your one search history google will track your needs and wants. Google has somehow become our friend. It allows us to be more creative in approaching problems and more integrative in our thinking. Now we don’t waste time in thinking rather we ask everything to google and save time.

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