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End of Work from Home [WFH] Era

End of Work from Home [WFH] Era

Posted by TechnoDG on 9 month(s) ago .

As per news the TCS and other companies mandated a return to the office for the employees. The decision was announced during the company’s earnings call, emphasizing the importance of aligning with core values. As per the latest news the end of Covid-19 is around the corner, so the companies are calling back to join back and normalize work as it was before pandemic.

Employees have become accustomed to working from home as a result of the pandemic. But a growing number of companies are now opting to get people back to in-office jobs, encouraging their teams to return to offices on a regular basis.

During the sudden pandemic all over the world, the workplace has undergone a seismic shift. Global lockdowns forced all but essential workers to adopt remote work almost overnight. People scrambled to set up home offices and adjust to back-to-back virtual meetings and online collaboration. At first the idea of working from home may sounds “must be nice”. There are significant advantages in work from home for many, but there are disadvantages and challenges too. The positive side is people get greater flexibility in their schedule and day-to-day life is easier to manage. And the most amazing part people had done their work in a more comfortable way.

But the major issues with WFH as per work culture are,  

Working from Home was challenging especially in terms of Coordination within department, Department to Department, Intra office and Inter office. Also it’s a huge task to train and monitor the juniors to get a quality work output. In addition to these challenges, WFH created distractions that affect productivity, as an example family members are all around, kids coming between in some important meeting call and for that not being able to focus was causing hindrance.  Apart dual employment indeed causing work ethics being compromised where a section had been involved in such activities to break the office decorum; by taking an advantage of pandemic some employees literally join another company which was not accepted in many company’s employment terms. Least to mention that productivity is effected in many cases due to a section of people misguiding higher authority on their commitment towards the allotted work being engaged in other / personal work during office hours.

Coming back to the mainstream office schedule is a reflection of end of that unprecedented era which mentally and physically broke many people and businesses affecting a huge loss on a country’s economy. 

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