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Replaceable battery in Smartphones is coming back

Replaceable battery in Smartphones is coming back

Posted by TechnoDG on 10 month(s) ago .

Till mid - 2010s, the landscape of the smartphone market was vastly different from what we know today. Even when Android phones dominated the scene, and a prevalent feature among these devices was the use of easily replaceable batteries. Carrying a spare battery for extensive use or while travelling was common practice. You did not need to go to mobile repair shop to change the battery or replace it. But nowadays people just change their old phone with the new one, because of the particular battery issue or have to go to the phone service centre or repairing shop and we do not find it an easy process any more.

However, as industry evolved, so did design philosophies, giving rise to sleek glass and metal constructions that embraced adhesives, making replaceable batteries a rarity. But now, due to facing huge waste of unusable sets and cost-effective way to maintain it, a movement is raised – as “Right to Repair.” European Parliament took this bold move that could potentially reshape the future of consumer electronics, the European Parliament has enacted a sweeping law that mandates all consumer devices to have easily replaceable batteries. It is not only just enacted in Europe, but globally. As per source, by 2027, this new law could potentially change how phones are fundamentally made.

Its main goal is to ensure, that battery replacement should be hassle-free process, requiring no specialized tools and it can be performed by an average individual without the need for professional assistance.

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