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Negative Impact of YouTube In today’s World

Negative Impact of YouTube In today’s World

Posted by TechnoDG on 10 month(s) ago .

YouTube can have both positive and negative impacts on society. It provides a platform for creativity, education, and entertainment. However, it can also promote harmful content and influence negative behavior. In that case parents should monitor their children’s YouTube usage to ensure a safe and positive experience.

Although YouTube has had a tremendous impact on society, it also has its own set of negative impact. Many of these are related to the platform’s ability to spread misinformation and promote unhealthy content, as well as its potential for fostering an environment of cyberbullying and online harassment. YouTube can also cause health issues with the growing popularity of YouTube people are seen to spend more time with their smartphone eyes glued to screens. Too much of anything is not good at all, it negatively impacts our vision. It can even cause backache and neck pain.

YouTube has created a place for daily life vloggers, in which people show their personal life to the whole world which can sometimes effect our mental health. Viewer’s comments on that particular video according to their perspective of thinking which may sometimes cause chaos to the vloggers mind. Although they show the edited video of the whole day, but there are people who still judge based on the video only. This way it can affect the personal identity of someone.

Everyone has their own personal opinion of how they perceive YouTube. To some, it is a great place to watch videos on a variety of subjects, and embrace media influence. To others, it is platform that needs to be supervised, and regulated by a centralized authority to maintain it. It is important for people to understand the manner in which media is impacted by YouTube. They should make wise and matured choices to share what they see or learn on YouTube Channel. 

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YouTube negative impacts vloggers effecting social media harmful content misinformation
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