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[Scheduled] Switch replacement activity on EnterpriseMail

Dear Clients,

This is to inform you regarding an emergency maintenance activity that the Data Centre will be performing on the Cabinet, where the EnterpriseMail Service is housed.

The details of the activity are given below for your reference:

Server Impacted: EnterpriseMail
Event Date: October 28, 2022, at 10:00 PM IST
Impact: 5-10 minutes maximum downtime expected, barring unforeseen issues

Event: During a routine inspection, a faulty switch alert was received. However, to be proactive and ensure a stable, healthy network for the future, we are planning to replace this faulty switch with a brand-new unit.

During this maintenance, we will bring the affected servers offline, remove power, and replace the faulty switch. Expected potential downtime is 5-10 minutes, barring any unforeseen circumstances. We will then ensure the server comes back online properly after the replacement.

Unfortunately, this is emergency maintenance to ensure Network stability for this cabinet now and in the future, and cannot be rescheduled.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this operation.

We regret the inconvenience caused to you in this regard & look forward to receiving your continued support. If you have any queries, please reach out to us at

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Friday, 28th October 2022
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