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Migration of Linux CPanel/WHM Server to Linux DirectAdmin Server

Dear Clients,

This is to inform you that the Linux CPanel/WHM Server at will be migrated to the DirectAdmin Server at by 30th November 2023.

Kindly note that the migration will be carried in phases starting from 20th November, 2023. We are taking all measures to ensure that all the active accounts on the CPanel/WHM server are migrated without any imminent downtime or data loss.

Once your account is migrated with all the existing settings the NS of the domain will be updated. In this regard, please check and ensure that the domain & web hosting controls are properly updated for your reference.

# New Name Servers

# New Web Hosting Control Panel

The username and password shall be the same as earlier if not specifically intimated to you. Please check your registered emails for any updates specific to your account.

We would be grateful for your kind co-operation and support in this regard.

Please feel free to get in touch with us for any further assistance or clarifications.

Linux Web Hosting
Friday, 17th November 2023
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