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Notice Board

Durga Puja Holidays: Office to remain closed till 25th October 2023

Dear Clients,

Wishing you a very Happy Durga Puja 2023!

It is the festive season of the year in this part of India where the Durga Puja celebrations enthrall our lives with joy, propsperity and fanfare. Let the light of goodness always prevail over evil.

Happy Durga Puja 2023

This is for your kind information, that our office will remain fully CLOSED for the Durgapuja Holidays on the following days. Hence, no activities related to support, sales, marketing, development, designing or updates will be undertaken during this period.

# Durgapuja Holidays on:

All the development, support, updates/enquiries and other correspondences will be be taken care off from 26th October 2023 (Thursday) onwards.

Only emergency support for server side (data center) issues if arises during this period, we will be available on the numbers given below –

Looking for your co-operation and wishing you and your family a Happy and Joyous Durgapuja!

General Updates
Wednesday, 18th October 2023
contact us
Connect with our EXPERTS and get the HELP you need. Phone: (+91) 353 25 76767
Mobile: (+91) 9 733 733 000
Whatsapp: (+91) 99 32 00 88 88

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